Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Is It Wrong to Love a Steam Mop?

Happy Tuesday!!  So I generally hate cleaning.  There are just so many other things that I could be doing besides cleaning!  I could be playing with Mr Stinkopotamus... crafting something... cooking something... reading my never-ending list of blogs in Google Reader...  So anything that makes cleaning easier (or more fun) is ok with me.  A few months ago I ordered a Bissell Steam Mop like this:

Yeah, I didn't take a picture of mine.  I might love it, but does it really need a spot on my camera card?   I think not.  So as I was rambling...most of my floors are hard wood.  Pretty, yes.  Fun to clean, no.  I've been using this baby for a few months now and I seriously love it.  The floors are squeaky clean and disinfected and it only takes my a half hour to do the whole house.  Now, I will say that the manufacturer directions do mention that it could strip your floors.  Ours are polyed and we use a rejuvinator on them a few times a year - I haven't noticed any stripping, but I'll defintely post about it if I do!  Now if only I could find something that makes cleaning bathrooms fun!!

Disclaimer - I was not paid, given anything or otherwise compensated to say nice things about this product.  I just really really like it :)


  1. My sister raves about her steam mop too. I can't wait to get one, and I think I want the Bissell as well.

  2. I've had mine for several years, and used it on my sealed hardwoods...no problems! LOVE IT!
