Monday, January 24, 2011

A Cluttered Mess

We have too much stuff.  Ok, maybe I'm the main reason we have too much stuff.  And maybe alot of the extra stuff might be craft related.  And decorations for the house.  And tot school stuff.  And craft stuff.  And stuff to file.  And all this extra stuff ends up in the craft room/school room.  And now it looks like this

Oh the horror!  Look away, look away!  Kids, don't be like me. 

So now my big project (in between the thousands of littler projects) is whipping this room into shape.  Yes, whipping.  Whip it real good.  Into something a little more like this:

created using Pinterest

Oh this is gonna take awhile.  And I'll have to refrain from buying more craft stuff.  Or at least find another place to stash it ;)

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