Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ooooh I'm Trendy :)

This award is from Kerri at The Pleasures of my life.  Wow - thank you so much!!


And now I'm payin it forward.  I love all of these blogs - if you've already gotten the award, well then you rock...if not, then feel free to share the award love... Mad craftin skillz!
The Thriftress - Thrifty, crafty geniusness! - Absolutely gorgeous photographs! -  Amazingly cool craftiness! - Crazy creative awesomness!


Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

Thank you, I feel so cool and trendy!! :) What an honor, you made my day!

Robyn said...

WELL aren't you some SWEET THANG! THANKS! How fun to feel TRENDY! :-) You are a sweetie and made my day too!

Kelli @ WhimsiKel said...

Oh my word, I am SO sorry! I was just flipping through my reader and came across this post that I obviously starred planning to come back to say thank you and then TOTALLY dropped the ball! I am so lame! Thank you so much for the award!


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