Where crafty mama blends with working girl in this sweet little smoothie of life
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Dollar Store Doll-up
Ahhhh - another Saturday, another trip to the Dollar Store :) Today, the little muffin man was unusually well behaved, so we really got to browse around. We come home with lots of ingredients for crafty goodies, or at least enough to keep us busy this week ;) At the top of my list of crafting to-dos is a knock off of a sweet little tray that I saw in a recent Starbucks add:
I saw this little tin tray at the Dollar Store and knew I had the makings of a lovely knock-off:
I used cream colored Valspar spray paint (Satin finish) to paint a few light coats for the base. I let that dry for a few minutes an hour or so (I'm terribly impatient!) and then I mixed some dark brown paint craft paint with a little white craft paint and water. I used a dry brush to highlight the details in the tray and viola...my lovely knock off:
Hmmm, something is still missing. Oh right - I need to whip up some delicious scones...right after my nap ;)
And while I was working on this lovely little tray - the guys were tackling the much larger project of fencing in the backyard. They were much too busy to be bothered to look at the camera, but aren't they still so darn cute :)
That's a great idea! I need to go back to DT (I was just there today!) to get that tray!
Cute idea! Be blessed. Cindy
Love your tray!! :)
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